Skidstadion electric lighted trails totals 20 km! - Go connected or peacewise...
El lighttrails 2,7KM, 3,5KM 5,0KM 7,5KM, 13,5KM och 20KM all starts at Skidstadion.
They consists of several separate trails.
In this way You can use them even after dark, which comes early here.

You can use the separate trails. There are parking lots nearby.

The lights are managed by time and daylight. After 22.00 they are turned off. Do bring own torch in case of emergency. It becomes wery dark fast.

These trails are maintained at a high level.
These trails is marked as below. The yellow color marks lighted.
During 2015 the lights has been replaced to large extent by modern energy saving types.
(klick for)
Signs and distance information is placed along the trails. At night some is lighted. Along the ÖSK-slingan (main track) there are connections to other trails - "Spikbodarna" and "A4". A total of over 100 km trails within walking distance of Ostersund city centrum!
* Workout trail 2.7 km "Björnberget"
* Workout trail 3.5 km del av "ÖSK" slingan.
* Workout trail 5 km "elljusslingan"
* Workout trail 2.5 km "A4-spåret" part of 7.5 km
* Förbindelsen Skidstadion - Spikbodarna, part of 13.5 km
* Spikbodarna ellighted, part of 13.5 km
Electric light 20 km trail parts
* Odensala ellighted, part of 20 km
* Workout trail 5 km Skidstadion
* Workout trail Spikbodarna Korpen
* Workout trail 13.4 km Spikbodarna - "black"
* Workout trail 14 km Skidstadion
* Torråsenslingan 5 km
Other trails
* Workout trail 9 km Skidstadion
* Brunflo 2.5. km Workout trail
* Lövsta 3.2 km Workout trail
* Lugnvik 2.5 km Workout trail
* Torvalla ellighted
* Frösön Östberget 2.5 km Workout trail
* Lit - Workout several trails ellighted.
* Artificial snow trail
Other Electric light trails